Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Code Box Panic

I work at several online jobs, one of which is as a content moderator for a company called Bazaar Voice, which provides software and related services to clients in the area of what is known as social commerce, or marketing via customer generated content, such as product reviews, questions and answers, stories, and so forth. My job is to read, evaluate, accept, reject, code and comment on content submitted by customers of Bazaar Voice's clients.

In addition to a set of basic rules applicable to all content, most individual clients also have personalized guidelines governing their own content, sometimes clarifying, usually adding to or modifying the general instructions. Depending on the specific guidelines applied, we often have to click a small checkbox corresponding to a certain code, and usually write a comment to explain what we've checked and why. 

As I said, these checkboxes are small, so using the mouse to click on them can get a bit time consuming. Since we work under time constraints "hot keys" have been assigned that allow moderators to use the keyboard instead of the mouse to check most boxes, which speeds up the process a little. When you're processing hundreds of product reviews each day, your hand gets into a routine: A for Accept, R for Reject, 2 for this code, 3 for that, 5 for another, and so forth. (Bear with me, I'm getting to the miracle -  this background stuff is necessary to understand it.)

So it was a little over a week ago, on Tuesday November 30 to be exact.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Back again

I started this blog and didn't keep it up. My son accuses me, with some justification I suppose, of indulging in periodic obsessions and then abandoning them. So it's probably not the first or last time I've started something I didn't finish. But for some reason I have it in mind to start over again here. God's little miracles keep happening, and though I usually note them in my very informal journal, and tell people, and sometimes email or post on Facebook, I don't really have a place where they're all collected together. I think I'd like to, both for my own benefit, and that of others who also need to be reminded from time to time that God really does move  and answer prayers, sometimes in startling ways. So. I'm not going to tie myself to any schedule as I've learned that's a good way to set up for failure. But as God moves and leads, I am going to try to note it here. I do hope somebody besides me will read it and be encouraged.   

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies are new every morning. (Lamentations 2:22-23)

Photo credit: "Strange Keyboard" by Rd. Vortex on Flickr