Friday, January 16, 2009

Parmesan Provision

Last night God arranged a tasty little miracle for me and some friends. It happened like this ...

A friend of mine who has a ministry to the homeless (see the Spider! miracle) hosts a gathering most Thursday nights for anyone who'd like to help her in her work. We get together and share a meal, which she provides, and then spend the rest of the evening doing whatever work needs doing, which can range from packing bags of hygiene items for the homeless, to assembling cheerful purses of personal products for the streetwalkers, to sorting socks, or hats and scarves, or any of a variety of tasks. Our numbers vary but there are a handful of us "regulars" who usually make it each week.

We'd planned to gather last evening as usual and our host had prepared a spaghetti supper with salad and garlic bread, yum! Earlier in the day another friend had called her and mentioned her hope that there would be some Parmesan cheese. Unfortunately though, our host didn't have any Parmesan cheese on hand, and never did make it out to get any. So as we sat down to eat, the subject of Parmesan, or rather the lack of it, was raised by the disappointed friend who'd been hoping for it. Enter our little miracle.

These days I like to try to consolidate my driving trips in order to save money on gas, so I'd left a little early in order to stop by the grocery store for a few items before heading over to my friend's. On my list was Parmesan cheese, which I also happen to like. Unfortunately the store was out of the inexpensive generic brand I usually buy, and I was tempted to just not get any and wait 'til the next trip, but then I thought, "Well, the gas for another trip will probably just eat up any savings anyway, so I might as well just get this 'long as I'm here." So I did.

And that's how it came about that, sitting around the table last night with no Parmesan for our spaghetti, a picture of my groceries popped into my mind, and I was able to say, "Parmesan, you say? Well, believe it or not, I just happened to stop at the store on my way over here tonight, and there just happens to be some Parmesan out in my car. I'll guess I'll just go get it."

As I was reaching for my purse, my friend's son came in, also wishing out loud for some Parmesan for his spaghetti. I told him, "I've got some, I'm getting it." Looking confused, he replied, "Where - in your purse!?" upon which we all had a good laugh. "No, no," I told him, "in the car, I'm just getting my keys and going to go get it."

So I did, went out to the car, fetched the canister of cheese, and we all enjoyed a tasty spaghetti supper topped by that good, expensive Parmesan. Coincidence? Serendipity? Well now, when things like that happen it's always a temptation to write them off as such, but I don't think so. And that's the whole point of this blog - reporting these little miracles.

Before they call I will answer, while they are yet speaking I will hear. Isaiah 65:24

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