Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Yarn Bin

This little miracle happened to my sister, Pat, who lives in the Phoenix, AZ area. I'll let her tell you in her own words (with some names changed). Also, the title of this blog came from the subject heading on the email she sent to tell me about this little miracle. Both used with permission, thanks! :-)

"I had the neatest little answer to prayer/miracle happen yesterday [Jan. 1] - just had to tell you about it.

I knitted the 3 oldest girls scarves, hats, and gloves for Christmas using a combination of knitting worsted and some specialty furry yarns. Alyssa [daughter-in-law] fell in love with them and dropped some pretty broad hints last weekend that she would LOVE a similar scarf and gloves for her birthday on Jan. 4, using her favorite color, red, with maybe a little black in it. Having absolutely NO extra money till my ... check comes the third week of January, I looked through my leftover yarns to see what I could come up with. I had nearly a skein of some very old red knitting worsted, and some sparkly black fun fur yarn left over from some scrunchies and headbands I had made for Hailey's [granddaughter] stocking, so I designed a scarf around those, and started working on it.

By yesterday morning, with about 2/3 of the scarf done, it had become obvious I would run out of the black, and would be very close on the red, with the pattern I was working, so I ran out to the yarn store for another skein of the black.

Thankfully, the good news was they were open on New Year's Day, and the yarn was on sale, but to my horror, they were completely out of the black sparkly. In panic I searched carefully through the adjoining bin of the similar plain black yarn, without the sparkly in it, but alas, there were no sparkly black skeins in it. I looked through all the other bins, hoping for a stray skein of the sparkly black, but to no avail.

I said a quick prayer - Lord, what do you want me to do? Rip out the work I had done and start over using less of the black, or maybe just buy some new yarn and try to make a whole new scarf? Timewise, it would be close, since I had to work Friday and Saturday, and her birthday is on Sunday. I was also a little worried about the red running out, since I was using more than I had estimated, and since it was so old, there would be NO way of matching it.

Undecided, I turned back to the bin of plain black yarn, and there, sitting right on top, was one skein of the sparkly black yarn. IT WAS NOT THERE A MOMENT AGO. I HAD LOOKED AT EVERY SKEIN IN THAT BIN.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I grabbed it, praising the Lord all the way home. I knew I had my answer, so I kept working on the scarf, trying not to panic again, as I got close to finishing the pattern, and the red was dangerously low. I finished with only a couple feet of the red left.

A little miracle maybe, but it made a huge impression on me. He even cares about the little things like this. Amazing. He is so good."

"And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith." Matthew 21:22

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